Award-winning veteran actress Kara Hui delivers a tour de force performance as a mother driven to the edge by her seemingly possessed daughter in the chilling horror suspense thriller Daughter. Psychologist Sharon's (Kara Hui) only wish is for her daughter Jenny (Super Girls member Yanny Chan) to marry well. Despite Jenny's objections, Sharon sets her up with a rich suitor but things do not go as she planned. Jenny's actions become increasingly rebellious and strange, scaring off those around her, and Sharon herself also feels increasingly anxious and unstable from the stress of dealing with her daughter's condition. Sharon's friend introduces her to a priest/exorcist who insists that Jenny is being bothered by an evil spirit. Even after the exorcism ritual, however, bizarre incidents keep occurring. Is Jenny really haunted by ghosts, or are inner demons at work?
Director: Pang-Chun Chan
Writers: Pang-Chun Chan, Shirley Yung Sau-Lan
Stars: Bo-Bo Fung, Kara Hui, Yanny Chan Wing-yan.
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